APNA Foundation



The Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Physicians and Professionals of North America



The Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Physicians and Professionals of North America

Most of our members are of Indian origin, a country of many states, languages and culture. They are assimilating well in the new American environment, culture, and values. While our first generation is mostly doctors, engineers and business persons, the second generation is in many fields and endeavors. APNA members are geographically spread across the United States, and belong to multiple cultural and professional groups. We are true to our mission and welcome and support any organization that supports our mission. The following are some of the organizations we collaborated with to conduct programs or volunteer support. Our focus in our collaboration is on the educational activities and not on the cultural programs. Foundation has contributed to a number of US non-profit charities, generally during the holiday season. To name a few popular charities include the following: